Thursday, August 28, 2008
Lindsay said that Jordan is home. They sent him home because his brain needs to rest before they do the biopsy. He has an appointment on Tues. and from there they will schedule his biopsy. For now he and Jessica are doing well. Thanks for all the prayers!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My friend Lindsay sent an update saying that Jordan's school insurance is going to pay for all of his medical care. What a blessing!!!! Thanks for praying...and just keep asking for God's love and power to move through them as they deal with this tough situation!
Please Pray!
My friend Lindsay has asked us to pray for her cousin Jessica and Jess's husband Jordan. Jordan passed out while home alone the other day, then he had a seizure. After doing tests they found out that he has a tumor growing between the hemispheres of his brain. He is only 24 years old and they don't have health insurance. They are supposed to biopsy the tumor soon. Please be in prayer for the two of them and for their families. Pray that God will wrap His arms around them and that through it all they will know how much He loves them.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
We Love You Uncle Ty!
We just want to say a special we love you to Uncle Ty! He was at a camp in Indiana for the whole summer, and now he's about to leave to go back to college. We got to see him tonight before he leaves tomorrow. Needless to say, Grant was very happy to see his Uncle Ty. We love you and we'll miss you bunches! Go App!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Big 1!!!
So, we had the big 1st birthday party this weekend! Grant had such a great time eating cake and ripping into presents. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends who would come all this way to be a part of his special day!
Grant started out by trying to pick the polka dots off of his cake!
We finally got him to take a lil taste and this is the result! The cake was almost as big as he is so even with the slight damage that he did to it, we still have plenty of cake left over to eat!
He got a "Big Boy" four wheeler that we can't get him off of!
Here he is checking out his new slide!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Grant took his first steps last Fri. night. We were very excited. He decided to walk back and forth between his Mamaw and Papaw. We got it on video, but I'm not good enough to post that yet. Maybe one day. He has also learned to climb up the steps and thinks he can do it whenever he wants. You better watch out when he decides he wants to play in his room because he's on his way. He's getting very good at listening to "No, not without mommy" and I'm getting VERY GOOD at saying it over and over and over. Here he is on one of his treks up to his room.

Monday, August 4, 2008
Lotsa New Stuff!!
Mamaw and Papaw came to visit. They just got back from Alaska and brought Grant all kinds of goodies. Here's a picture of him with all of his loot.

The Great Toilet Paper Mystery! I walked in the bathroom the other day and a mysterious pile of toilet paper was laying on the floor. Come to find out, Eric was supposed to be watching Grant, and well, obviously he wasn't watching very close because this is what happened.
The Great Toilet Paper Mystery! I walked in the bathroom the other day and a mysterious pile of toilet paper was laying on the floor. Come to find out, Eric was supposed to be watching Grant, and well, obviously he wasn't watching very close because this is what happened.
Grant has just learned to point at stuff. It is so cute watching him point his lil finger at things that he sees and wants.
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