Friday, October 30, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy!
We have been crazy busy since last time I posted, so here is one of my famous photo updates. We finally got to go camping in our camper again and I tried to post those pics, but my technology is not cooperating here, so here's the story. It rained the entire time we were there until the day we were leaving. We still had lots of fun, but we didn't get to make smores, so that's what this picture is. We decided to come home and make smores over our lil fire pit. Any excuse to make a yummy smore works for me.
We went to the Dixie Classic Fair with our good friends, the Cooks! We got to see all kinds of fun animals, eat yummy fair food (aka deep fried snickers) MmmMmm Good, and Grant got to go to his first concert. Need to Breathe was playing. It was a really good concert and on our way out we got to see the lil piggies race for an oreo. A fun time was had by all!
A couple weeks ago we headed up to the mountains for the annual Wooly Worm race! It was freezing, windy, and snow flurrying on us, but we all bundled up and raced on! This is the first year ever that nobody in our family won a race. Our worm went backwards...oh well, there's always next year!
Last weekend we went to the pumpkin farm with Mamaw and Papaw! Grant got to see goats, pigs, horses, and cows. And of course he got to pick the perfect pumpkin!
He loaded it on his wagon and off we went!
We decided to make our Jack-O-Lantern, but Grant refused to touch the guts as Daddy likes to call them. So, being the good daddy he is, E. would scoop it out and hand Grant the spoon so he could dump it out!
Here's the finished product! We lit the candle so Grant could see what it looked like all lit up and here he is trying to blow it out!
Mamaw got G. this really cute potato head witch kit, so we used his pumpkin from the pumpkin farm to make a cute lil witch! He had more fun with this one than with the carving, and his pumpkin he picked out was just the perfect size!
Today we went to the Children's Museum with G's best bud Kaylee. It's really cute! They have real life stuff like a grocery store, pizza parlor, dr's office, etc., but all kid sized for the kids to play in. It's really fun! I will have to download those pics later though b/c the computer's being moody. Anyway, that's what we've been up to. Welcome to our crazy fun life!
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