6 Months Along
It has been a wonderful fall! The weather is Beautiful! I love this time of year when we get to spend lots of time with our family and friends and we are reminded to be thankful for all we have. Saying that, I am so thankful for all of you who share life with us! (even if I don't do a great job of posting about it haha) And....for my favorite moment of the week...Grant walked up to me yesterday and put his arms around me and kissed my belly and said he was giving Cutie Pie some sugar. It was too sweet! Talk about moments to be thankful for!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I don't even know if anybody looks at our blog anymore since I do such an awful job of updating it, but I can share big news for anybody who doesn't know! We have a lil girl on the way at the end of January! We are very excited! My pictures are backwards here but......this is Grant practicing for baby sister better known as "Cutie Pie" which he named her and has decided that will be her real name. He is practicing holding, feeding, burping, and changing the baby.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Funny Moment of the Day!
Grant was playing with his doctor kit and was checking my eyes and ears and giving me shots and decided he needed to check my throat, so I opened my mouth and he looks in and proudly proclaims..."There's no worms in there!" Med School here we come! I haven't laughed that hard in a while!
Monday, February 1, 2010
YAY Snow Again!
Can you believe it? We had snow again and this time it was 8-9 inches! It was so much fun! Mamaw and Papaw came to visit for the weekend and brought us a new sled so Grant got to go sledding(on a real sled, not the snow shovel) for the very first time! He absolutely LOVED it! The snow was deep enough that he couldn't walk in it by himself. As you can see, he sunk in it up past his knees.
Here's Grant throwing a BIG snowball at daddy! You get him buddy!
My sweet boy snuggling up, keeping mommy warm while we're sledding!
Mamaw even got in on the sledding action!
And of course we couldn't keep Papaw off of it! Him and his buddy have all kinds of adventures!
Here's our snowman! Mommy and Daddy built it while Grant kept sledding. He could have cared less about the snowman, but he did decide to name it daddy!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy!
We have been crazy busy since last time I posted, so here is one of my famous photo updates. We finally got to go camping in our camper again and I tried to post those pics, but my technology is not cooperating here, so here's the story. It rained the entire time we were there until the day we were leaving. We still had lots of fun, but we didn't get to make smores, so that's what this picture is. We decided to come home and make smores over our lil fire pit. Any excuse to make a yummy smore works for me.
We went to the Dixie Classic Fair with our good friends, the Cooks! We got to see all kinds of fun animals, eat yummy fair food (aka deep fried snickers) MmmMmm Good, and Grant got to go to his first concert. Need to Breathe was playing. It was a really good concert and on our way out we got to see the lil piggies race for an oreo. A fun time was had by all!
A couple weeks ago we headed up to the mountains for the annual Wooly Worm race! It was freezing, windy, and snow flurrying on us, but we all bundled up and raced on! This is the first year ever that nobody in our family won a race. Our worm went backwards...oh well, there's always next year!
Last weekend we went to the pumpkin farm with Mamaw and Papaw! Grant got to see goats, pigs, horses, and cows. And of course he got to pick the perfect pumpkin!
He loaded it on his wagon and off we went!
We decided to make our Jack-O-Lantern, but Grant refused to touch the guts as Daddy likes to call them. So, being the good daddy he is, E. would scoop it out and hand Grant the spoon so he could dump it out!
Here's the finished product! We lit the candle so Grant could see what it looked like all lit up and here he is trying to blow it out!
Mamaw got G. this really cute potato head witch kit, so we used his pumpkin from the pumpkin farm to make a cute lil witch! He had more fun with this one than with the carving, and his pumpkin he picked out was just the perfect size!
Today we went to the Children's Museum with G's best bud Kaylee. It's really cute! They have real life stuff like a grocery store, pizza parlor, dr's office, etc., but all kid sized for the kids to play in. It's really fun! I will have to download those pics later though b/c the computer's being moody. Anyway, that's what we've been up to. Welcome to our crazy fun life!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Big 2!
We celebrated Grant's 2nd b-day this past weekend! It was so much fun. I can't believe he's already 2. Thank you to everybody that came and celebrated with us. It wouldn't have been the same without you. Here are some of my favorite pics from the big party. This first one just makes me laugh b/c G. hasn't had any injuries recently that have left a mark, but 3 days before the party he fell in the bathroom and got a black eye that you can see pretty good in this pic, then he fell going out the front door the day before the party and and had a knot and a bruise on the side of his head that you can't really see here, then during the party he fell off of his dump truck and hit the driveway head first which you can see right at the top of his hairline. He made sure he did it up right for his birthday pics....haha!

We had an Elmo cake and a Cookie Monster cake. Here is Grant blowing out his candles. This is the Elmo cake.
Here is Cookie Monster. They were fun to make and Grant loved them. Everytime he saw this one he would say "Num Num Num."
Here is the picture proving that Grant enjoyed his cake. And yes his face was covered in it before it was all over. Happy Birthday Sweet Boy! We love you bunches!
Our theme was Sesame Street. We played stick the nose on Elmo and we tried to do pass Ernie's rubber ducky, but I don't recommend that one for 2 year olds. They don't really want to share the ducky. We had Elmo's Pizza Place and Cookie Monster's Candy Guessing Game to guess how many M&M's were in the jar. That one was for the "Big Kids." Our neighbor won that one and Grant sure was glad b/c he shared his prize(the M&M's) with him.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Just Chillin!
Not much exciting is going on around here right now. We have just been hanging out. E's working ALOT so we haven't been able to take any trips. Hopefully soon, but my parents and my 2 nieces came to visit last week and spoiled Grant rotten as usual. He had Britt-Britt and Nay-Nay building lego towers the whole time they were here just so he could knock them down. They're wrapped around his lil finger. We had such a great time. So glad they got to come.
Grant was mad at me because I was trying to take his picture, so I zoomed in and got those pouty lil lips and those beautiful brown eyes. I just think this is the sweetest picture.
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