I am such a slacker, so I've got lots of catching up to do! We went to the mountains a couple of weekends ago for the Woolly Worm Festival. It's something we go to every year with my family. You race woolly worms and the winner at the end of the day predicts the weather for the season. I know, it sounds a lil silly, but it lots of fun, and pretty entertaining to watch grown adults cheering on those little worms. Anyway, here are some pictures from the weekend.
We got there Thursday and the 3 of us went to Blowing Rock to play in the park, walk around town, and just relax. We had lunch at a lil place called Sonny's Grill. We got to sit at one of the old style bars on bar stools and drink from the old glass coke bottles. It was lots of fun. We took this picture in honor of my dad. Don't worry daddy, they don't serve bar-b-q as good as yours.
Grant got to have his first taste of Kilwin's Ice Cream! It was so yummy! We couldn't get it in his mouth fast enough.
This is at the Woolly Worm Festival. It was FREEZING, but it didn't even faze our lil guy. He is such a trooper. We bundled him up and off he went. Mom's got pictures of us racing and of Grant with his worm that I hope to get so I can post them. It was too funny!
Here are my two handsome boys having a blast together.

Grant also had a great time playing in all the leaves that had already fallen up there. My parents, aunt and uncle, and my sister's family all came up and a great time was had by all! Can't wait til next year!