Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Big 2!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Just Chillin!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
We're Baaack!
We went camping for the first time in our new pop up with our Journey Group from church. I could have posted a pic of us with the pop up, but this pic of Grant with his lil friend Kaylee is much cuter.
This is Grant's (and mommy's) first time riding in a helicopter. It was so much fun. We went on a trip to Pigeon Forge. We did this and went to Cades Cove and saw bears, turkey, and deer. We got to see a dinner show, we shopped, and we went to a really cool petting zoo where we got to feed deer, goats, zebras, reindeer, camels, etc. and Grant got to take his first pony ride. Fun was had by all!
Here is Grant's first time changing a tire with daddy. We start early around here. haha! You can tell a little in this picture, but he was covered in grease, even his face, which my mama thinks is very funny and says it's payback from when daddy used to let me get covered in grease.
Our first time playing outside in the water this spring. The water was freezing, but obviously it didn't bother lil man. He's tough!
First time grilling out with daddy this summer! It was delicious, especially the plastic hamburgers and hotdogs!(Grant's, not daddy's haha)
Grant's first time visiting daddy's jobsite. Grant was just beside himself between excavators, bull dozers, rollers, pavers, etc. He had a ball. And yes we did have his hard hat...he just refused to wear it except long enough for mommy to snap a quick pic and it was back off, but I think standing in the bucket was his favorite part of the trip.
This is Grant's first time seeing fireworks. The first few booms scared him a lil, but then he loved it. We got milkshakes and went to see the K-ville fireworks with Grandaddy. It was lotsa fun.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Good News!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Easter!
Grant woke up to find his Easter basket and of course he liked the grass in the bottom of the basket more than anything else that was in it. But true to his nature he picked every last piece up and put it back in the basket when he was done. Only our sweet Grant.
It was such a beautiful day we decided to take our family picture outside. Of course as soon as the picture was taken, lil man was off and running.
Grant and Papaw sporting their matching camo booney hats! Can't tell they're buddies huh?
Hanging with Bubba(his other buddy)! Now there's trouble times 2!!
Now that's one tough wagon. Grant and Papaw took daddy for a ride in the wagon. I'm not sure who's having the most fun. Boys will be boys!
We did get pics of Grant hunting Easter eggs, just not on my camera. I was trying to video him, so I'll have to get those from Mom and post them later.